Brand Story
Woman Gone Warrior Worldwide Network (WGW/WGWWN) was founded by Pastor Traci Chisholm in 2020 for such a time as this. Amidst the backdrop of a global pandemic and social unrest, Pastor & Prophetess Traci, whose name means warlike and courageous battler, birthed purpose out of pain through prayer to form a sisterhood for global good. WGW is a burgeoning leader in lifestyle-based Christianity for today’s live-streaming community. With prayer, sound doctrine, authenticity, and integrity at the helm, WGW broadcasts daily content around lifestyle, business, relationships, and Kingdom living. WGW is mobilizing women everywhere to wake, war, and win!
It is our mission to inspire, equip, and mobilize women in their God-given purpose through lifestyleChristianity by building a sisterhood centered around Christ, compassion, collaboration, and celebration.
It is our vision to see women everywhere transformed by the Word of God, united by the Spirit of God, and positioned in the purpose of God to take Kingdom dominion within the global marketplace.